But as the Yankees got a run, Ted feared he wouldnt score. Softball Stereotype How I Met Your Mother Full Of Super. But as the Yankees got a run, Ted feared he wouldnt score. Lily and Marshall have a great relationship they are equal by all accounts and respect one another. Today isn’t too soon to start teaching MORALS but it’s going to be hard to get them to start living with good ones. Marshall Eriksen : Narrating Now the age old softball stereotype is just that and nothing more. Gender stereotypes in American media can often be covered with comedic relief.The show How I Met Your Mother is a popular comedy that was originally aired by CBS. My thoughts & my aching hart goes out to those family members whose lives have been alered from the lack of morals having been taught from back in the 1950’s through today instead of how to use a “rubber.” Were those morals taught, even one of them could have stopped this…